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Twinkeyz Tacos


Twinkeyz Tacos

Opened in 2016. Made by ABC’s for ABC’s; loved by the locals. Finally, Taipei has fallen in love with Mexican food! Located in the heart of Dongqu, Taipei, a prime shopping area for locals who are ‘in the know’. Inspired by a combination of SoCal Mexican food & TexMex, authenticity is key. From fresh corn tortillas that are hand pressed daily, guacamole made from a secret family recipe, and the best tacos you’ll find on this side of the Atlantic; not to mention the sweet & savory pork quesadillas, carne asada marinated to perfection, along with our signature hot sauces. 

Twinkeyz has become the place where teenagers & college kids come to for Taco Tuesday and Cinco de Mayo, and co-workers come to enjoy a quick lunch/ happy hour dinner.


於 2016 年開業至今。由旅外廚師為思鄉的人調製,深受當地人喜愛。終於台北也深深愛上墨西哥美食了, Twinkeyz 位於台北東區,是當地人的主要購物區域。老爹的靈感來自南加州、德州的墨西哥美食的作為結合,最關鍵的是每日現桿的玉米餅皮及老爹秘製的酪梨醬,再到大西洋彼岸最美味的塔可; 鮮甜多汁的豬肉玉米薄餅、入味十足的炭烤牛肉,以及老爹招牌辣醬都是招牌餐點。Twinkeyz 已經成為學生們來 Taco Tuesday 和 Cinco de Mayo的聚會場合,同時也是上班族盡情享用美食的好去處。



October 7, 2016

