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EPL Steakhouse and Lounge


EPL Steakhouse and Lounge

EPL  — Eat Play Laugh — is a dining concept we wanted to introduce to Taipei — a restaurant that allows our customers to feel like they are outdoors when they are dining, and a lounge space that offers a completely different vibe when they are ready for their drinks.

We have our “garden/ backyard” area where customers can “EAT”. And when they are finished, they can head over to our lounge area, “PLAY” some table games, such as Jenga, or Cards of Humanity, and unwind with some of our dessert cocktails. 

And of course, all the “LAUGH’s” will be coming from the bar — where are bartenders make all of their creations!! Flames and all!

We pride ourselves on serving fine dining cuisine in a very comfortable & casual environment. We also have an amazing seafood tower, that is the first of it’s kind in Taipei — with the freshest seafood & a cool presentation. 

US/London influenced cocktails – all original creations concocted by our bartenders using the freshest ingredients, offering international flavors (AND many of the spirits are infused in house, and most of our garnishes are grown in house!)  Not only do they taste great, but they are extremely instagram-worthy!  



EPL –Eat Play Laugh– 是老爹希望能在台北引進的餐飲概念,餐廳讓顧客在用餐時感覺就像置身戶外,並在享用飲品時,提供完全不同氛圍的休息空間。我們擁有一個後花園,供客人在此享用餐點 EAT,當用餐結束後可以前往我們的休閒區域,提供了桌遊及派對遊戲等,享用餐後甜點及調酒來放鬆身心 PLAY

當然,所有的Laugh都來自酒吧裡,而這些又通通來自我們調酒師的無限創意,我們對於所提供的fine dining以及輕鬆的用餐歡勁非常飲以為傲.另外,在台北第一個提出這種概念的我們‘,我們也有提供驚艷的海鮮塔(?
伴隨著最新鮮的海鮮以及cool presentation

倫敦風味的雞尾酒,由調酒師採用最新鮮的食材調配製作,呈現出國際風味,且許多烈酒都是在店內調製,而大部分的裝飾物由店內種植採摘。不僅口感絕佳,也非常適合 Instagram 拍照!



October 7, 2016

